Check-in box | pxiii | |
How are your three circles balanced in each of these situations? | p17 | |
Body posture | p50 | Audio page |
Soothing breathing rhythm | p53 | Audio page |
Facial expression and voice tone | p54 | Audio page |
My calm place | p56 | Audio page |
My safety and safeness kit | p61 | |
A profile of your Compassionate Self | p65 | |
Your Compassionate Self (imagery) | p68 | Audio page |
Your Compassionate Self (embodiment) | p69 | Audio page |
A profile of your ideal Compassionate Other | p72 | |
Your ideal Compassionate Other supporting your Compassionate Self | p74 | Audio page |
My Compassionate Mind Training plan | p77 | |
Bringing your Compassionate Self to your multiple selves | p95 | |
Making a compassionate flashcard | p101 | |
Compassionate Self-to-self using imagery | p103 | Audio page |
Exploring your voices and their possible function | p122 | |
Are any of Stuart’s experiences relevant to your own? | p127 | |
Mapping relationships between parts | p129 | |
Compassionate engagement with a voice using imagery | p139 | Audio page |
Writing a compassionate letter to a voice | p142 | |
Compassionate responses to your voices (with identified function) | p150 | |
Compassionate responses (where there is no identified function) | p151 | |