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Heriot-Maitland (2022). Compassion Focused Therapy for voice-hearing and delusions in psychosis. In: Gilbert, P. and Simos, G. Compassion Foucused Therapy: Clinical Practice and Applications. Routledge
Heriot-Maitland (2021). Compassion-focused therapy and the courage of compassionate relating to voices. In: Parker, I, Schnackenberg, J., Hopfenbeck, M. The Practical Handbook Of Hearing Voices: Therapeutic And Creative Approaches. PCCS Books
Heriot-Maitland, C. & Levey, V. (2021). A case report of compassion-focused therapy for distressing voice-hearing experiences. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(8), 1821-1835
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Heriot-Maitland, C., Longden, E. Elliott, K., Bell, S., Gilbert, P. & Wright, N. (2018) Compassion-Focused Approaches for Clients, Families and Health Care Providers. In: Turkington, D. and Spencer, H.M. (eds.) Back to Life, Back to Normality: Volume 2: CBT Informed Recovery for Families with Relatives with Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses. Cambridge University Press
Heriot-Maitland, C. and Russell, G. (2018) Compassion-focused therapy for relating to voices. In: Cupitt, C.(ed.) CBT for Psychosis: Process-orientated Therapies and the Third Wave. Routledge
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Braehler, C., Gumley, A., Harper, J., Wallace, S., Norrie, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013) Exploring change processes in compassion focused therapy in psychosis: results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52(2), 199-214
Gumley, A., Braehler, C., Laithwaite, H., MacBeth, A. & Gilbert., P. (2010) A Compassion Focused Model of Recovery after Psychosis. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 3(2)
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